Monday, February 25, 2013

Week Three!!!

Hey there friends!
I have finished week three!!
I have had a couple hiccups this week.  My knee started hurting so I haven't been jumping.  I did order a knee brace and it should be here in a couple of days.  Because of this I haven't been getting as good of a workout.  I didn't realize how much energy it takes to just keep jumping for 30 minutes... hah

Anywho, Lance wasn't going to be here for another two weeks but he got 6 days signed off by a doc in the clinic so right after clinic THIS FRIDAY he will be leaving Philadelphia to come to US for the last time!! SOO excited!!

I am a little nervous though.. silly huh! We have been married for 5 1/2 years and I am nervous to see Lance. haha.  I hope he likes me (said in a whiney high pitched voice)

I told him this dilemma last night and he was a little confused... lol

Also, my body is starting to bulk instead of slim so I might need to change something up...

Monday, February 18, 2013

Week Two

I have finished week two!! I am pretty proud of myself.  I didn't think I was making very much progress but that is why I am taking pictures! i am pretty happy about these results!

And guess what!! I found the Insanity workouts on Ebay for only 41 bucks!!! So excited!! My DVDs will be here by the 20th.

This week has been good.  I have been eating right... Except for this weekend.  I have been craving raspberry Sherbet and Lance's little sisters were home this weekend (which was soo much fun) and we had TONS of pizza and ice cream ! I'm not gonna feel guilty though! Life needs to have some sugar once in a while right? RIGHT!!

Have fun this week!!

Day 1 and Week 2

Day 1 and Week 2

Week 1 and Week 2

Friday, February 15, 2013


I put new pictures of week 1 and 2 side by side so you (and I) could see the difference (in the previous entry).  I couldn't see it before but now I can!! Thanks Picasa (and youtube for explaining it to me on how to do it)!!

I really didn't want to work out this morning but now that I have seen these I am motivated again to keep going!  Enjoy!!

PS I found the Insanity workout DVDs on EBAY for only 41 BUCKS!! So guess who got INSANITY for Valentines day??? ME!!

Also I found a girl on youtube that does beginning to advanced Pilates and yoga.  I tried a couple videos (ranges from 9 to 30 minutes) with my sister in law and they were awesome!!

Here is her youtube page! Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

One Week...

One week down!! AHHHHH.  I am so amazing! Every morning I get up I REALLY feeling like I DON'T want to do this. BUT I am glad I have.  I THINK I am starting to see results but who knows...
I will just keep telling myself that I am... haha

Here are some pictures of me after a week of INSANITY!! I had to switch up who I was watching since the first girls got her videos taken off because of copyrite infringement...

I have also had to start modifying the workout since my knee has started hurting.  But I am still getting a good workout.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Seven Minutes

If you know me, you know the voice I would say this in (atleast my sister knows how I would say this.... She hears it a lot when I am really excited)

oh. MY-GOSH! I think I almost died today.

But seriously.  Today is Day TWO of insanity and my legs are SHAKING!!!  I couldn't even finish (or do) some of the sections.  There was a point where you had to stand up and jump then get down and do 4 (I TELLYOU FOUR) push ups then go into a plank and run your feet... um and then do that like a crazy person on speed for a whole minute.  Then repeat until you want to cry or laugh at yourself because who in-thier-right-mind would want to do this to themselves.

Well I do.  I will admit it.  Seven minutes I TELL YOU seven minutes in I wanted to say FORGET THIS! This crap is too hard.  Then I reminded myself that this is what getting back into shape feels like.  I know this feeling, this feeling and I, we have met many times.  And every time I say we are NOT friends and we will NEVER meet again.  Then this friend just looks at me and chuckles and says, you joke (in a weird high pitched soft voice), just wait till you have another baby... Oh yeah.

I just have to suffer for two weeks and then I will feel my body remembering what it feels like to be in shape and then I will be an AWESOME INSANITY WORKOUT GENIUS.  Or maybe I wont get tired until minute 15... lol

PS here is the youtube link if you want to try it out:

Sunday, February 3, 2013

INSANITY! Workout that is...

Okay, it is time.  I have officially entered body slimming zone.  Yes, I can do this.  If I have to keep a blog about it then that is what I am going to do.  I really don't know or think anyone looks at this blog anymore but that is okay.  I feel like if I have a before and after picture for me then I will be more willing to do this.

Reasons why: to look HOT.  I would like to look in the mirror everyday and say "Hey how you doin'" haha just kidding but seriously.  Also I just had a baby and since breastfeeding has done wonders for the first 12 pounds, I would LOVE to help the next 12 melt off just as fast.  (It took me 2 years to lose the last 12 of my last pregnancy... Let's see if I can beat that haha) Another reason is I will see my hubby in 5 weeks and I HAVE to start the LGN diet TODAY) (Side note: LGN means Look Good NAKED!!  This really worked for me the 6 weeks before I got married by losing 15 pounds)

Here we go.  I have been wanting to try the insanity workouts for a while now and decided that today is the day!!  I really didn't want to buy them for 150 BUCKS so what did I do??? I went to the handy dandy YOUTUBE!! YES you CAN find anything on YOUTUBE!! So I have now finished my day 1 workout.  And yes I did take pictures.  I will be kind and only post the ones with my shirt on... NO ONE wants to see the aftermath of a pregnancy only 7 weeks post-delivery (well maybe one person does ;) )

PS this isnt because I feel fat (Okay I do BUT I keep telling myself that I JUST had a baby 7 weeks ago and  I have doing pretty good so far) This is NOT a diet, it is a way to get HEALTHY. I H. A.T. E. the word diet.  and I HATE the word fat.  I am slightly overweight and I am decided to get BACK IN shape.  I am now speaking positively to myself.  I am NEVER alowed to tell myself I am ugly and fat (I did that for WAY too many years and it really didn't help. (It actually perpetuated an eating disorder) SO DON'T HATE YOURSELF.  I am learning to love ME for who I am and who I am BECOMMING.  Lets do this together.! (me, myself, and I) haha

Anywho if you want to do the workouts on youtube or if you have them show me some pictures (I'll show you mine!!)

STATS: Day 1
Bust: 40
Waist: 35
Hips: 40.5
Butt: 42.5
Bicep: 12
Thigh: 24
Weight: 147

Insanity workout intervals: (I am numbering them since I cant remember what they are called at the moment)
It says Day 1 will be done on Day 1, 15, 36, 50, 63
1. 80
2. 35
3. 65
4. 15
5. 7
6. 15
7. 13
8. 30

And let's begin with a GOOD LUCK ME!

(Pictures to follow later I need to go feed a hungry infant...)

16 months

16 months

15 months

15 months

12 months

12 months

11 months

11 months
Future basketball player

9 months

9 months

Devy 8 months

Devy 8 months

6 months

6 months

5 months

5 months
The other outfit for Christmas fom Uncle Bryan, her says princess

5 Months

5 Months
Christmas Present from Uncle Bryan

4 Months

4 Months
All Smiles

13 months

13 months

Devy Month 2

Devy Month 2
Her cute little bow

Devy 1 Month

Devy 1 Month
She loves her Daddy

2 weeks

2 weeks
I look way tired but this is the only family pic we have of when she is this little. She looks tired too...